Wednesday, December 11, 2013

This blog will be continued over at:

The new host runs on Ghost.  It seems a bit more flexible, with regard to page formatting and including syntax-highlightin on code blocs.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Security Overview

Various aspects of how requests are secured are covered on the website, but there is no summary overview anywhere.  This post attempts to address that, as the security seems to be an issue for many casual reviewers of the product.

Let's approach the discussion by looking at all the ways a requested query can fail.  By 'fail', I mean fail to have any effect at all.  More to the point, these are ways that a malicious query would fail to cause any harm.


Any query request received by the server must indicate a role.  These are Postgres roles with additional constraints applied by the server software.

If the role is missing the server rejects the request with an error message.

The role must be a valid role for the account, one of the four created for the account, and that role must have been enabled from the account profile.

If the role is invalid, the server rejects the request with an error message.

 The roles are Super, Preauth, Auth and Reader.  Each has a distinct security system, and you choose a role based on what the query will accomplish, who will be using it, and which security system is most relevant.  As the roles are distinct in their behavior, we will go over them individually.


The super role can run any query valid within a database (this excludes creating a database or creating roles), and is used for setting up tables, schemas, functions and other resources in the account database. 

The super role has an authorization code (authcode) of 50 random digits, required.

If the authcode is not received with a super-role query request, or the authcode is not the correct code, the request is rejected with an error message.
Do not share the authcode.   If you believe the authcode has been adversely disclosed, there is a function on the website to reset it (non-reversibly) to a new random authcode.


The preauth role would be used by web applications available to the anonymous public.  Preauth role can execute only queries listed in a server-side white-list.   An anonymous web user can click through to your web application in his browser, and interact with the website.  Your app in his browser would request queries from your server using the preauth role.   If the user tampers with the application source, those altered queries would no pass the white-list.
If the submitted query is not already in the white-list, the request is rejected with an error message.
The preauth role, submitted by an anonymous user, cannot change the white-list, because the queries that change the white-list would have to have been white-listed.

There is an easy method to put queries into the whitelist:

  1. Log into Rdbhost website
  2. Put account in 'training mode' for your workstation's IP
  3. Submit the preauth queries.
  4. Login into Rdbhost website again, and turn 'training mode' off
Queries submitted in training mode, from registered workstations, get added to the white-list.


The reader role will not be needed  by most applications, and can be left disabled.  If used, the account owner must setup resource permissions for this role carefully.  The role has no authorization code, and no white-list.  Any query submitted with this role will be executed.

If the SQL query is not permitted by Postgres resource permissions, the request will fail, and an error message (containing the Postgres error code and message) will be returned to the client.
This role might be useful, for reporting applications, as SELECT queries can be created new, and altered to suit presentation requirements, without having to re-train the white-list for each tweak.


Each of the Postgres roles associated with the account has its own security model.  Each is safe, and one or another of them will allow you to do what you need to do.  SQL is a very powerful API.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Rdbhost and Angular

Rdbhost, for those of you unfamiliar, is a web application host that allows for the submission and conditional execution of SQL directly from browser code.  You can write a complete multi-user web application working entirely in the browser, with no server-side coding whatsoever.

The service integrates with a variety of front-end frameworks, including Angular.

This post will describe how to use Angular's tools to interact with an hosted database account.  It will take a multi-stage approach to the explanation, showing how to adapt jQuery based code to use Angular's alternative $http, and then to use the higher level $resource feature.

All the examples below assume that the libraries are included in your app, like below. If you use the Rdbhost generated boilerplate, all this will be included.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/rdbhostangular.js"></script>
and that the jQuery plugin is initialized like:
// tell rdbhost module what role and account we are using
    accountNumber : 929,
    domain        : "",
    userName      : 'preauth'

var mod = angular.module('myApp.controllers', []);

jQuery Plugin

Our first example is to use the Rdbhost jQuery plugin to list records from a table, and to add a record to it.

mod.controller('DvdPreauthController', ['$scope', function($scope) {

    $scope.status = [];
    $scope.dvds = [];

    function add_status_line(ln) {


    var addDVDSQL =
        'INSERT INTO sandbox.dvds_jsintro       ' +
        '   (name, rating) VALUES (%s, %s)      ';

    var getDVDListSQL = 'SELECT name, rating FROM sandbox.dvds_jsintro';

    // submit handler for form
    $scope.addDVD = function () {

        var args = [ $scope.newTitle, $scope.newRating ];

        R.preauthPostData( {

            'q'       : addDVDSQL,
            'args'     : args,
            'callback' : function (resp) {

                add_status_line('one DVD added');
                return resp;
            'errback' : function(err) {

                add_status_line(err[0] + ' ' + err[1]);
                return err;
        return false;

    // updater for list
    $scope.listDVDs = function () {

        R.preauthPostData( {

            'q'       : getDVDListSQL,
            'callback' : function (resp) {

                $scope.dvds.push.apply($scope.dvds, resp.records.rows);
                add_status_line('DVDs listed');
                return resp;
            'errback' : function(err) {

                add_status_line(err[0] + ' ' + err[1]);
                return err;

        return false;

The method R.postPreauthData() is from the rdbhost.jquery.js plugin.  It submits the query and passes results to the callback.  The $scope.$apply() function is called to allow Angular to work.  Because Rdbhost is calling the callback instead of Angular, we use $apply to keep Angular 'in the loop'.


Here is the same code, written to use Angular's lower level $http feature.  Well, almost.  Actually we use the Rdbhost variation of the $http feature, $rdbhttp.  It has the same methods as $http, but ensures that errors returned in the body of the response, as well as errors in the header, are handled by the error handler function.

// Produce a new rdbHttp object for interacting with Rdbhost
mod.factory('$rdbHttp', ['$http', '$q', RdbhostAngular.makeRdbHttp]);

// Change $httpProvider -remove unwanted headers add response transform
mod.config(['$httpProvider', RdbhostAngular.providerInit]);

mod.controller('DvdPreauthController', ['$scope', '$rdbHttp', function($scope, $http) {

    var R = window.Rdbhost;

    $scope.status = [];
    $scope.dvds = [];

    function add_status_line(ln) {

    var addDVDSQL = 'INSERT INTO sandbox.dvds_jsintro       ' +
                    '   (name, rating) VALUES (%s, %s)      ';
    var getDVDListSQL = 'SELECT name, rating FROM sandbox.dvds_jsintro';

    // submit handler for form
    $scope.addDVD = function () {

        var args = [ $scope.newTitle, $scope.newRating ];

        var opts = {
                q: addDVDSQL,
                userName: 'preauth',
                args: args,
                authcode: ''
            gP = R.getPOST(opts),
            p = $ gP.url, );

        p.success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
            add_status_line('DVD was added.');

        p.error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
            add_status_line(data.error[0] + ' ' + data.error[1]);
        return false;

    // updater for list
    $scope.listDVDs = function () {

        var opts = {
                q: getDVDListSQL,
                userName: 'preauth',
                authcode: ''
            gP = R.getPOST(opts),
            p = $ gP.url, );

        p.success(function(resp, status, headers, config) {
            $scope.dvds.length = 0;
            $scope.dvds.push.apply($scope.dvds, resp.records.rows);
            add_status_line('DVDs listed');

        p.error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
            var err = data.error;
            add_status_line(err[0] + ' ' + err[1]);

        return false;
Notice the absence of $apply() calls.  Because Angular itself is calling the success and error callbacks, it invokes its own $apply function as necessary.  R.getPost generates the correct url and post data to retrieve the query results from the server.


The $resource feature wraps a server resource in a JavaScript class, and allows operations on the server through methods on the class.  The class can retrieve and send data to the server, and records received have methods to update or delete their own persistent values on the server.

With Rdbhost, you can use the $resource from the stock ngResource module, but you need transform functions passed into each of the actions.  You must use Angular 1.2 or later, as that version introduces the transformation functions.  See example here:

// Produce a new rdbHttp object for interacting with Rdbhost
mod.factory('$rdbHttp', ['$http', '$q', RdbhostAngular.makeRdbHttp]);

// Change $httpProvider -remove unwanted headers add response transform
mod.config(['$httpProvider', RdbhostAngular.providerInit]);

mod.controller('DvdPreauthController', ['$scope', '$rdbHttp', '$resource', function($scope, $http, $resource) {

    var R = window.Rdbhost,
        RA = R.Angular;

    $scope.status = [];
    $scope.dvds = [];

    function add_status_line(ln) {


    var addDVDSQL = 'INSERT INTO sandbox.dvds_jsintro  (name, rating) VALUES (%(name), %(rating))      ';

    var getDVDListSQL = 'SELECT name, rating FROM sandbox.dvds_jsintro';

    var role = 'p'+('000000000'+ $.rdbHostConfig.opts.accountNumber).substr(-10);

    var listResource = $resource('https://:domain/db/:userName',

        { // default params

            userName: role,
            domain: $.rdbHostConfig.opts.domain

        { // actions

            query: {

                method: 'GET',
                params: {
                    q: getDVDListSQL,
                    format: 'json-easy'
                isArray: true,

                transformRequest: RA.rdbhostTransformRequest,

                transformResponse: RA.rdbhostTransformResponseFactory(true)

            save: {

                method: 'POST',
                params: {
                    q: addDVDSQL,
                    format: 'json-easy'

                transformRequest: RA.rdbhostTransformRequest,

                transformResponse: RA.rdbhostTransformResponseFactory(false)

    // updater for list
    $scope.listDVDs = function () {

        $scope.dvds = listResource.query({},
            function() {
                add_status_line('DVDs listed');
            function() {
                add_status_line('DVD List Error');
        return false;

    // submit handler for form
    $scope.addDVD = function () {

        var namedParams = {
            name: $scope.newTitle,
            rating: $scope.newRating
            function() {
                add_status_line('DVD was added.');
            function(err) {

        return false;


The rdbhostTransformRequest and rdbhostTransformResponseFactory functions handle converting the http requests as Angular generates them into what expects, and converts the results into the form Angular expects.  Other than providing those functions to your $resource constructor, and providing the SQL and parameters in the constructors action list, $resource acts like $resource.  If you provide a save or delete action, that action will be available on the retrieved objects, as $save or $delete. The rdbhostTransformResponseFactory takes one parameter isArray.

If you have your own response transform functions, be sure to include them in the transform function list ahead of the Rdbhost functions and do not serialize as part of your transformation, as the Rdbhost functions will serialize the response at the end of the transformation chain.

The Rdbhost Website

Monday, September 30, 2013

An Alternate Method of Enabling White-list Training

With the latest updates to the rdbhost.jquery.js jQuery plugin, coding front-end applications using the full power of SQL is even easier.

For those readers not familiar with the system, let me recap:

Rdbhost provides SQL databases accessible, safely and directly, from browser code.    Just write SQL inline in your JavaScript application, the SQL will be submitted to the Rdbhost server as needed, validated, and executed.  Results or an error message are then returned to the client.

Validating the SQL submitted is managed by comparing SQL queries with a white-list, and that white-list is populated by a training process.   Previously, that training process was enabled by going to the website, and enabling training for your client IP.   The white-list would then be populated by running the client application to submit necessary queries.  After the training is complete, the training would be disabled from the website account management pages.

The prior two paragraphs describe how the system has worked until now, and that method will continue to be available.  However, there is now an easier way, a way that contributes to an even nicer workflow.

The rdbhost.utils.jquery.js plugin includes some new methods, allowing training to be authorized from the client app:


The options object can have exactly the same elements as the $.postData method, used in the same way.  The difference from $.postData is that when the request fails on a white-list error, the $.postData method will just return an error, bu the $.preauthPostData call will allow you to enable training mode briefly and resubmit the request.  It will show you an html dialog box for receiving the account email and password, get those from you, and then use them to enable training briefly (8 seconds), and immediately resubmit the request.  The second submission would successfully white-list the query.

There is a similar method for form submissions, that works analogously:

$.preauthPostFormData(form, {opts...});

The parameters are the same as $.postFormData, and used the same way.  It prepares the form just as $.postFormData does, but if the submission results in a white-list error, it responds as above to temporarily enable training, and resubmit the form.

The significance of these two new methods is that you no longer need to log-in to the Rdbhost website to enable training for each session, but can enable it on a query by query basis.   If the once per session enabling seems more efficient, it is still available.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Automated Backups

Regularly Scheduled Backups to S3

Backing up your account to Amazon S3 has been a feature here for years.  Now, you can schedule automated backups, where your Rdbhost account is dumped to your S3 account on a regular basis.

You can arrange the backup to be done on a regular interval from 15 minutes to 7 days.  The backups are put in the S3 bucket you designate in your S3 config page, and are named with the date and time, as well as the account id.

Generally speaking, managing the dump files in your S3 account is your responsibility, manageable through Amazon's own management pages.  However, we do offer one tool to help.  After each backup, you can have Rdbhost prune the backup file collection, based on simple rules.

The first rule is a maximum age, where every backup over that age gets deleted.   The second rule is a percentage limit; each backup cannot be older than a given percentage of the next older backup.  For example, if your oldest backup is 10 months old and your configured percentage is 90%, the next oldest cannot be older than 9 months, and the one before that can only be 8 months, 3 days old, and so forth.

This pruning can help in keeping your S3 account from getting too large, too quickly.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

TodoMVC, Rdbhost style

The TodoMVC project was created to help people choose a JavaScript MVC framework.  It includes a couple dozen implementations of the same HTML5 app, a Todo list.   Each implementation uses a different JavaScript framework.  Each of them uses the browser's localstorage for Todo storage, avoiding any specific back-end dependence.

Rdbhost has its own version of this TodoMVC project.  Here, the intention is to show how each framework can be used with the backend.   So far, I have implemented versions for the most popular 5 frameworks, AngularJS, Backbone, KnockoutJS, Ember and CanJS.   I may add more in time.

Each back-end interface is fairly minimal;  For AngularJS and KnockoutJS, it uses a singleton blob in the database for all Todo records.  Backbone, Ember and CanJS have a CRUD type back-end interface, and for each of those, I created a table with one record per Todo, and a CRUD-style client-side adapter to put and get data.  Each framework project includes a page 'initialize.html', that requests the Rdbhost account password, gets the super authcode with that, and sets up the necessary tables.

AngularJS seems to include an integrated backend data retrieval API, and I may re-implement the AngularJS TodoMVC to use a more sophisticated approach.

Find the working site at: .
Code is at: .


Saturday, June 1, 2013



The 'nobackend' meme has gotten some discussion among the G+ and twitter accounts I follow.  I was excited at initial review, as it seemed to be very inline with Rdbhost's goal of enabling Web App development without any server coding.

On further examination, I found the key documents to be hazier then I had briefly hoped;  the expressed goal is to incite discussion on the objective of writing front-end code 'without thinking about the back-end'.

Rdbhost's power is in moving the critical custom back end design elements, such as database schema and database queries, to the front-end.  Moving them to the front-end is more pragmatic than ignoring them altogether, though perhaps less appealing to many front-end devs.  ;)

Nonetheless, I want to be part of the discussion, so I have implemented their sample app, an html5  invoicing app, using Rdbhost as the backend.  Read about the reference app, and the while #nobackend promise, at

The Rdbhost version of the app is at ,  and the source is at .  The entire code base for the app is in that Github repository. There was *no* code deployed to the server in support of this specific app.

I used OpenId as the only login option.  The code to setup the necessary server-side tables is in /initialize.html .

Find the JavaScript API at:

David Keeney