Friday, January 29, 2010

Rdbhost API on ProgrammableWeb

We are now listed in the APIs section of ProgrammableWeb!

This is a very cool event, as PW has a fairly high profile on the web, and should bring us more traffic and hopefully a few more ambitious developers.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

SQLAlchemy and Rdbhost

SQLAlchemy is an ORM, an object relational mapper. To some folks, that is a very meaningful phrase. To me, it is just another way to programmatically access SQL databases.

This week, I created a module to facilitate using Rdbhost databases from SQLAlchemy. See it documented on: . We provide one file, aptly called '' which you add to your SQLAlchemy's 'database' directory, and SQLAlchemy will then use it to open and access databases hosted on

When you call the create_engine function, you give it a connect string like: 'rdhbost://' .

Once you have the engine object, thus created, you can create, drop, and query tables using the SQLAlchemy/Python syntax.

Here is an excerpt:

from sqlalchemy import *
role = 's0000000849'
authcode = 'h.89as9fa9dsaf.~~~~~~~~~~kajd8098ajsf'
dsn = 'rdbhost://'+role+':'+authcode+''
db = create_engine(dsn)

metadata = MetaData()
users = Table('Users', metadata,
... Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
... Column('name', String),
... Column('fullname', String),
... )
addresses = Table('addresses', metadata,
... Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
... Column(', None, ForeignKey('')),
... Column('email_address', String, nullable=False)
... )

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rdbhdb 0.9.2

I've been working lately on making Rdbhost work better with ORMs, such as SQLObject and SQLAlchemy. One outcome of that effort is improvements to Rdbhdb.

A new release is out, version 0.9.2 with a couple of new features:

  • Fields fetched are now converted into datetime.Date, datetime.Time, datetime.Datetime, and decimal.Decimal objects, depending on type.
  • Times and Timestamps now have microsecond resolution.
  • Parameters provided to .execute* calls are now typed, so the server can return each data item, as necessary, in the appropriate type.
The module is available from here, or from PyPI.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Server update

The server software was updated yesterday.

The changes are:

  1. The /db app recognizes data-type arguments, named like 'arg###type', and having values from ( 'NONE' 'STRING' 'NUMBER' 'DATETIME' 'ROWID' 'BINARY' 'DATE' 'TIME'). The type argument describes the argument with the same prefix; 'arg001type' describes 'arg001'. The type can be omitted, and defaults to STRING.
  2. JSON date format now includes microseconds. Dates are just strings, like: '2009-12-31 12:59:00.000000.

The Rdbhdb DB API module has been updated to use these features. Expect it on PyPI soon, and a post here.