Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Not one, but *two* new videos

It's been months since RDBHost added CORS support enabling cross-site AJAX requests, and even longer since we put the JavaScript module online for general use.

A few days ago, we put online a new video showing the complete process of creating a JavaScript app.  As online videos go, it is a tad long at 11 minutes plus, but it does cover the whole process.

If you think 11:25 is just too long for a video, we put up another shorter video.  It shows a few features of the Rdbhost database administration utility, RdbAdmin.

Link to JavaScript Video
Link to RdbAdmin Video
Link to Rdbhost.com

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Host your database-backed site on GitHub, for free!

We could say, "Host your github page's database on Rdbhost, for free", and be equally correct.  But Github has a greater profile than we do, so they get first billing.

A database backed website is mostly in the database, but it cannot be done without some static content.  The styling and the code are in plain files, which you have to host somewhere behind an accessible url.   Rdbhost clients can server static content from the database, using plain urls, but you can reasonably want to host static content elsewhere.  Github.com is a very well known git repository host that can also serve web pages.  The web site is under your domain name, and the git repository hosting doubles as a handy deployment system for the site.

Github hosts the static pages, and Rdbhost hosts the database, for a database-backed web application at no cost1.  We describe how to set this up, in some detail, here.

We have a demonstration online, at http://gh.rdbhost.com/threefaves , of a database-backed site hosted on github.  Three Faves is a little taste-association app, the simplest demonstration app I could think of that might be fun. The site content itself is in a public repository at https://github.com/rdbhost/rdbhost.github.com .   All coding is in the repo, in one file, there for you to read and copy.  The Rdbhost account white-lists SQL queries, so undesirable queries cannot be run against the threefaves account.

Rdbhost SQL Database Host
Threefaves Site
Threefaves Repo

1 We say free, but that is qualified: Github will host non-private content for free, at apparently no volume limit; Rdbhost will host private or public data for free, but only at low volumes.