Monday, November 23, 2009

More changes to Rdbadmin and Rdbhost

A few recent improvements to Rdbadmin:

  • Main page shows tables and fields.
  • New section of left-hand menu shows schemas.
  • Menu options create and rename schemas.

Improvements to Rdbhost:

  • Login page (and login link from front page) is https.
  • Login cookie is 'secure' so will not be available to non-https pages.
  • Attempting to access another account while logged into yours will result in an error. You must log out of your account to access any other.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Improvements to Rdbadmin program

Rdbhost sports its own admin utility, Rdbadmin, implemented in Javascript. It is useful to create and remove tables and views, adding and deleting data from tables, and performing queries.

Rdbadmin has been upgraded, with both new features and bug fixes.

New features include:
  • Table and view lists are sorted.
  • Tables and views can belong to schemas other than public. This will become more important with upcoming features.
  • New feature to set field defaults on tables.
  • HTML content is now escaped, so that it reads as the tags themselves, and the data inline formats cannot interfere with the display table structure.
  • In the select page, query data values are parameterized, so the data values cannot be misinterpreted by the SQL engine as statements.
  • The login and logout functionality has been removed. Logging in is done via the front page (or the login page), and logging out from the profile page. The admin script gets role and authcode from the rdhost member cookie, and just bounces the user to the login page if member cookie is missing. The 'guest_account' functionality is still present, where the 'r'-role can be provided on the url.
As always, the admin program is linked from the profile page. As always, your questions and criticisms are welcome.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Guest usage of Rdbhost accounts

There is a handy way to provide other people read-only access to your Rdbhost database.

If you have enabled the 'r'-role, and given it reasonable (ie: only SELECT) permissions on the tables, you can allow other people to access your database using that role.

Just use the url for the rdbadmin page, and append the 'r'-role name to the url, with a '?'.

For example, our stackoverflow database is account 'db0000000767', and the 'r' role has been enabled and GRANTed appropriate privileges. The guest usage url is thus: .

Try it here.

There is no way to provide an authcode with the rolename, so it will not work for 's'-roles.

Monday, November 9, 2009

YASOP: Yet another Stackoverflow post

The latest data dump from Stackoverflow has been placed in our stackoverflow account

I was just reading some old stuff on about hosting a publicly query-able copy of the dump, with reporting or graphing options.

This account (at the above url) provides the data, with the flexible querying of SQL, Google's Appengine provides some charting tools, and our Rdbhdb module provides a DB API type interface for accessing the data from GAE.

Have fun.