Thursday, April 28, 2011

Minor gains

The Rdbadmin utility has been upgraded again.  I improve it from time to time, and sometimes I write aobut the changes.

A bug-fix corrected the problem that dropped schema names from function identifiers.  This proved to be a problem in managing the log trimming functions for our sql logging facility.

We also added comment displays to all the items of the table structure display, including indexes and constraints.  Only the table structure edit tool facilitates adding comments, but comments can be added to anything using SQL, like:

COMMENT ON INDEX idx_name IS 'this index is the primary key';

We have been adding comments to tables and other resources that Rdbhost creates in user accounts; When you go exploring existing tables using Rdbadmin, the comments displayed will help you, hopefully, understand how each resource was intended to serve.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

SQL Logging, how mundane

When you're sending requests to a database, or to any online API, it can be useful to be able to tell what requests are getting through, and whether results are being sent back to your client.

Rdbhost accounts now have SQL query logging.  Each SQL query is stored in a table in your account, with arguments and contextual information.  The log table is in a separate schema (called 'monitor') to minimize name collisions with your data tables, but you can run queries against the log table just like any other table.  The page displaying recent queries is linked from the account profile page.

The logs are trimmed automatically, and you can redefine the trimming function to set your own criteria.

If you are unacquainted with Rdbhost, each account has one database, which can be accessed via a choice of client-side APIs, or from an administration program, RdbAdmin, that we host.