Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Welcome to the new world. HTTP Databases and JSON Storage. Quirkey

Aaron Quint (Quirkey) blogged (more than a year ago, but still very relevant) about the transforming of web architecture.

Welcome to the new world. HTTP Databases and JSON Storage. The simple act of making the database and the browser more powerful on either end has destroyed the need for the middle tier. In the new architecture, Our database (JSON/HTTP based ...) serves data as JSON directly to the browser. On the browser side we create a much smaller/tighter ‘controller’ layer with JavaScript. This handles the directing of the user to the right place, the displaying of the data to the user, and the conversion of user interaction into state + data. This middle piece is jQuery + Sammy.js.

His blog post uses CouchDB and CloudKit as the server-side elements of the architecture, but his commentary on the appeal of omitting the whole custom server-side layer is just as relevant to Rdbhost as to either of those.

Rdbhost differs from CouchDB, in that the latter is a document database, and the former uses a relational database.  For any particular application, one will be preferable to the other.  I cannot speak to the authorization aspects of CouchDB as I have no experience with it, but several commenters on Quirkey's post had cautionary statements regarding the authentication/authorization.

Rdbhost supports multiple role-permission levels, and the ability to easily control what exact queries each role can execute.  See training your server, and roles pages.

Friday, January 7, 2011


I sent an email to all of our account holders about three weeks ago, informing them of a planned upgrade of our back-end server from PostgreSQL 8.3 to 9.0.1. We projected that conversion to happen the week after Christmas; that is now last week.

It didn't happen, because other stuff took longer than planned. We are now planning for this to happen the last week of January. That should allow time to get all the prerequisites done, and the conversion automated.